Human Billboard


Target marketing is about narrowing your marketing scope to a more manageable group of people so that you can have a better quality of interaction. The advantages of target marketing allow you to lose the net and take a more direct approach to reaching your customer


A key element in our Mobile Billboard Campaigns is essential strategic tool for reaching crowds at busy public events - they display your message above the crowd, from within the crowd. Mobile billboard advertising solutions, you can walk your advertising directly to potential customers in densely populated areas, such as busy street, university, college campuses, sporting events, concerts etc...


Effective branding create an enduring perception in the minds of your customers and distinguishes you from your competitors.

  • Increase mind share
  • Build loyalty
  • Benefit from referrals
  • Command a premium price
  • Lower your marketing cost in the long run
  • Less risk for the consumer equals more sales for you


Let Artic Advertising turn
you around !

Human billboard advertising is a popular method of integrating human connection, interactivity and marketing into a simple but effective advertisement. Your human billboard is an ambassador for your brand, and this form of advertising is a creative way to market your brand, product or service outdoors. With our human billboard advertising solutions, you can walk your advertisement directly to potential customers in densely populated areas, such as busy streets, university and college campuses, events and malls, for example, where other types of advertising might not be permitted.

This cost-effective type of advertising can come in the form of clothing, signs and more wearable options. You’ll be able to effectively reach your target audience and enjoy endless possibilities in how you present your brand to your audience. With human billboards, you can target current or potential customers by the venues and locations they frequent, and offer them with an opportunity to test out or participate in your brand’s products or services.

A key element in our human billboard offering is the Backpack billboard which has become the essential strategic tool for reaching crowds at busy public events – they display your message above the crowd, from within the crowd. Our back-lit billboards are especially effective for evening events and entertainment districts. Brand ambassadors can use sampling, giveaways, games and tablets to create memorable connections to your brand.

Advertising is an investment in your company and gives you a competitive advantage in growing both your revenue and customer base. While there are many options available to advertise your products or services, it’s important to decide which method will provide the best results for your business. Human billboards are a classic form of successful advertising, and innovative strategies help make this advertising solution even more successful. A human billboard can’t be ignored in the same way as a television ad, meaning your message will be delivered more effectively.

Human billboards make building recognition around your brand easy with a new level of exposure. Regardless of the goals of your advertising campaign, Artic Advertising has the industry experience and creativity you need to see through this marketing venture successfully.